Research and Development
In order to guarantee the continuous improvement of the offered products and services, COLOMBO SPA applies strict tests on the materials and the manufacturing processes for the purpose to ensure the characteristics they must fulfill.
We have adequate instrument for:
- N° 1 Tensile stress machine for testing the mechanical characteristics of the profiles
- N° 1 Tensile stress machine for testing the mechanical characteristics of the bolts
- N° 1 Charpy machine for testing the impact strength of the materials
- N° 1 Desk durometer
- N° 1 Portable durometer
- N° 1 Ultrasound tester Mod. RDG2500S
- N° 1 Magnetoscopic tester Ciemmegi
Furthermore the quality control and the technical department of COLOMBO SPA are constantly developing and testing by mean of load tests and experimental trials on prototypes, new design solutions in order to increase the company know how and improve the product.
In this respect COLOMBO SPA has available various load tests results in real scale carried out on more than hundred lattice steel towers in different tensions: MT, AT 132kV, 220kV, and 400 kV for many Italian and foreign clients and this can allow a better focusing on the most critical points.
Before shipping all the materials are subjected to a final inspection for stating the full conformity to the requested technical specifications.
At the end the technical and quality control department send to the Client all the certificates related to the supplied product (calculation reports, designs “as built”, inspection reports, certificates of the materials and conformity declaration).