Colombo SPA during the last years has integrated its traditional activity of steelworks manufacture with design, engineering and testing service and this allows to give complete and updated answers to its Clients, above all in this particular time of great changes in regulations, both technical and of management, which involves the field of steelwork.
The normative updating together with the evolution of the technologies, of modern architecture with more and more intricate shapes with the purpose to give free space to imagination, perfectly combines with the use of steel and innovative materials, allowing to achieve the ideas of the most talented and visionary designers and combine both linear and round elements with a total freedom of expression.
The dynamic evolution in the field of constructions has been seized by the company as an opportunity to propose a different type of offer, first of all to the historical clients, that already in the past have chosen to be assisted by Colombo SPA in the realization of their works.
Today Colombo SPA is able to respond promptly and efficiently to the various requests of its Clients, having available in addition to the traditional business functions, a dynamic, young and highly qualified technical department.
The traditional activities and integrated services are developed by our company with the purpose to give a real contribution to our Clients’ activities, by optimizing and giving advantage to their investments.
Our facility is able to deal with the design starting from Clients’ request, by proposing and developing architectural, technical, productive and economic solutions targeted to fully satisfy the requests and the goals of the Client and with the properly modulating and interweaving of the following elements:
External factors of influence: (environmental requirements of the installation site, climatic conditions, national standards, operative restrictions of installation and maintenance, contractual requirements)
Design planning for residential civil and industrial buildings: (definition of the binding architectural aspects, definition of the binding purpose and size of the work to be carried out, definition of the basic characteristics, definition of the main components of the work for the civil and industrial buildings as materials, temperature factors to be complied with, classes of fire resistance, definition of the fields of use of the structures, perform of accurate site inspections and surveys)
Design planning of long-distance lines : definition of the field of use of the structures, definition of the loads to be applied, definition of the silhouette by setting the restrictions of space and geometrical configuration, definition of the additional aspects to be added to the structural calculations as additional loads in maintenance, definition of the main components of the towers of power lines, such as the selection of the conductors type, insulators, terminal strips, accessories, spans and safety factors, definition of the electrical clearance to which the structure shall comply according to the provided equipments and loads conditions.
After having defined with the Client and/or his designer all the points, we proceed first to plan the design and then the technical department makes the dimensioning with the help of sophisticated software for the structural calculation.
i) List of the main software instruments of the design department:
(1) DELTA: this software has been internally developed by the technical department for the structural
calculation of the lattice steel towers.
(2) SARGON by Castalia ITALIA: Software for the structural calculation with elastic analysis, of second order
and modal
(3) TOWER by Power Line Inc. USA: Software for the structural calculation of lattice steel towers
(4) LISA : Software for the calculation and verification of the sections of reinforced concrete
ii) Development area of workshop and construction drawings:
(1) AUTOCAD (Software for technical drawing)
(2) TECNOMETAL: (Application 3D Software for autocad which allows to have sights of the construction
details that reduce at the minimum the possibility of defects which could be critical during the assembly
iii) Area of development of CAD/CAM programs able to transmit directly the data of output/input from the design
to the production:
(1) WINGECOM: Software for the development of the workshop list.
(2) TECNOMETAL: function of direct transfer of the data from design to the production machines and
compilation of processing workshop lists.
(3) FENICE e MINOSSE: Software for the managing of CAM programs.
(4) WINSTEEL: Software for the managing of CAM programs.
(5) AUTOBICI: Software for the managing of CAM programs.
At the end of this activity we submit to the client the documentation of preliminary design for approval and following to this, the production can start.